Monday 14 May, 2012

New life..

New life...

The new life which began within me is now thriving infront of my eyes..blooming into a toddler my daughter defines my world...
and now ....
Her little fingers wrapped around my finger define - trust...
Her little arms hugging around my neck define - love..
Her giggles at simple things define - Joy..
Her twinkling eyes define - hope...
Her little adventures like learning to roll over  defines - triumph..

So many words have a whole new meaning now..I never knew I could love someone so much...
At a time in past when motherhood was a hazy distant dream...I longed for many things which our sappy bollywood movies and books depicted...
But now I realize what I was actually missing...Its the content and joy which i find in everyday things i do with her...
its the joy i feel in cooking spoonful of meals for her...I have never been so happy in my life, as I am, when she poops and squeals with delight to let me know she did it!! Nothing moves my heart more than her crying...the way she holds my finger or my shirts collar while sleeping..the solace she finds in me...or the giggles when she spits her food when she doesnt want to eat anymore.

This relationship between a mother and a child is perfect its complete it has no doubt's no shady areas...I understand that when she grows up the equations will change...but for now its perfect... I will pray that God gives me strength to make her someone she will be proud to be, a confident, brainy but compassionate individual who will someday win the world with her smile...